At, we are committed to providing our users with top-notch services. Please read this No Cancellation/Refund Policy carefully before using our services.
Once you subscribe to or purchase a service on, cancellations are not permitted. We encourage all users to review their selection carefully before making a payment.
Due to the nature of our services, all payments made on are non-refundable. This includes, but is not limited to:
Subscription fees
One-time service fees
Add-on feature fees
In the rare event of service interruptions caused by technical issues on our end, we will make every effort to restore services promptly. However, such interruptions do not qualify for refunds.
If you have any questions or require clarification about this policy, please feel free to contact our support team:
Email: []
Whatsapp Phone: [+919461623033]
By using, you agree to this No Cancellation/Refund Policy.